Monday, October 11, 2010

Sailormoon opening theme english version

Fighting evil by moonlight,

Winning love by daylight,
Never running from a real fight,
She is the one named Sailor Moon.

She will never turn her back on a friends,
She is always there to defend,
She is the one on whom we can depend,
She is the one named Sailor...

Sailor Venus!
Sailor Mercury!
Sailor Mars!
Sailor Jupiter!

With secret powers all so new to her,
She is the one named Sailor Moon.

Fighting evil by moonlight,
Winning love by daylight,
With her Sailor Scouts to help fight,
She is the one named Sailor Moon,
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She is the one
Sailor Moon

Sailor Bibay and Tudexo Biboy

I've been watching sailormoon for months now from series 1 to series 5, and all I can say is wow great. my husband biboy adapted sailormoon and made our anime version from it.